After the financial meltdown we saw in our economy last week, I'm sure that you, like all Americans, have a few questions for the Washington politicians who helped get us into this mess. Later this week, I will have the opportunity to ask a question of my opponent on your behalf.
The format of the next U.S. Senate debate in Grand Island allows me to ask two questions directly to my opponent. I'm writing today to ask if you would suggest a question for me to ask Mike Johanns at this Thursday's debate.
It's easy to do. Simply fill out this form and hit submit:
http://www.democratsenators.org/o/37/t/405/signUp.jsp?I can't guarantee you that I will have a chance to ask your question, but I can guarantee you that I will listen to what you have to say and use your thoughts and input to formulate how I approach this Thursday's Senate debate.
A broken system in Washington has left all of us with a lot of questions. I look forward to hearing yours.
Scott Kleeb
PS. There's another way you can submit a question for me to ask Mike Johanns. This Wednesday our campaign is having house parties at ten locations around the state. Bring your question to the house party and the host will pass it on to me that night. You can check this form for a house party near you:
http://www.scottkleeb.com/events/debate_watch_and_gotv_for_klee/ Contribute:
https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/scottkleebforsenate?refcode=email Paid for by Nebraskans for Kleeb