"Hal's Dangerous Rhetoric"
If mayoral candidate Hal Daub wants to be the next Rudy Guiliani, he should work on his female impersonation skills. Daub's categorization of streetgang thugs as "domestic terrorists" is irresponsible at a time when the CIA's "enhanced" techniques are trickling down to local law enforcement. There is a growing epidemic of police using high voltage electroshock weapons to force citizens to comply with their commands. Often these citizens are weaponless, nonviolent, and even restrained already. Occasionally they die as a result of this torture. Children have even been "tased" because these extremely painful weapons are wrongly seen as unharmful. Due to passage of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, terrorism suspects have almost no rights in this country. If we start treating common street criminals as terrorists, then an authoritarian police state will exist in America.