I let him know that he had garnered the last vote from me. "Pete Ricketts could not do a worse job of representing me than you have," I told him.
So he wrote back:
Dear _____:
Thank you for contacting me regarding the Restoring American Financial Stability Act, S. 3217. I appreciate hearing your thoughts on this issue.
The Senate recently voted on the motion to proceed to a debate on S. 3217, and I opposed this motion. I could not support moving forward on a bill I have not seen; but you should not view my vote as an indication that I will not support the bill which the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs is currently negotiating. I look forward to seeing what the Committee develops on a bipartisan basis.
America definitely needs to regulate Wall Street without harming Main Street, and I am hearing from Main Street businesses in Nebraska who fear the potential adverse impacts this legislation could have for them. Though I do have some concerns about the creation and scope of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), I recognize that something must be done to close the gaps in our overall financial regulatory structure and improve mechanisms to avoid a financial catastrophe such as the one we just faced. We also must protect consumers - and our financial system - from the type of unregulated institutions which played such a significant role in reckless subprime lending and other harmful and predatory practices.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact me. I realize that the issue of financial regulatory reform is of great importance to you and always appreciate hearing your concerns. I will certainly keep your thoughts in mind as plans for financial regulation move forward.
Ben Nelson
U.S. Senator
So I've read it three times now. I think what he's saying is, I will support the bill as soon as the Republican party lets me know it's okay. or something like that.