1. There's a lot that is bad that is not Jim Suttle's fault; that said, he's politically tone deaf, which isn't helping him here.
2. The police and fire unions were extremely late to the party on aiding the anti-recall effort.
3. Forward Omaha's busing the homeless to vote was not the big deal everyone made it out to be. Paying the homeless $5 for "canvassing lessons" was just plain stupid. Then again, most have conveniently forgotten that Nabity paid for petition signatures, so it about evens out on the scurviness scale.
4. Notwithstanding #3, I've been impressed with Forward Omaha's organizational skills. Too bad Dems here couldn't have been that organized in the congressional or gubernatorial campaigns.
5. A month ago, I'd have called Suttle a goner for sure. As of now, I'd call it a coin toss. There's clearly been a shift in the public tone and perception, and I think that the recall effort must have blown most of its funding on the petition drive. Forward Omaha has done a very good job getting its message out.
6. Really, more info on this needs to be posted in GD. If this recall succeeds, it will become the blueprint for "replace the mayor; break the fire & police unions."
7. The sudden appearance of a surplus was convenient, don't you think :sarcasm: