Office of the First Congressional District of Nebraska Formerly the Office of Representative Doug Bereuter
The Washington, D.C. office and the district offices of the Honorable Doug Bereuter will continue to serve the people of the First Congressional District of Nebraska under the supervision of the Clerk of the House of Representatives. Representative Bereuter resigned effective close of business August 31, 2004.
See Press Release
The Interim Vacant Office Status: By federal law and the Rules of the House of Representatives, the employees of the former Representative continue to staff the offices of the congressional district under the supervision of the Clerk of the House of Representatives. This interim vacant status continues until a new Representative is elected to fill the unexpired term. Currently, the congressional district does not have voting representation. Although the scope of the vacant congressional office is limited, constituents of the district are invited to contact this interim office for information and assistance as indicated below.
And then, gee, I wonder if Fortenberry will give a shit.