Dear MoveOn member,
Democrats in congress are standing united against George W. Bush's plan
to cut benefits in order to pay for private accounts, and Bush is
getting nervous. So after his State of the Union address, the President will
launch a divide and conquer approach by trying to break Democratic
ranks through a five state PR tour of red states with Democratic Senators.
This week we must show that the people of Nebraska will not be divided,
and will not be deceived by the President's plan to jeopardize Social
Security. Please join with MoveOn and other progressive organizations
for a rally in Omaha to counter Bush's visits.
The details for the rally are below.
Friday, February 4
Rally outside Qwest Convention Center in Omaha.
Meet at 10 th & Capitol at Qwest Center.
Look for signs and stage by Convention Center.
Please let us know you can attend, at: order to be sure the rally has a clear, consistent message, signs
will be handed out at the event. For the best press coverage, the
organizers have asked you use these these rather than bring your own.
Thanks, as always, for all you do.
--Tom Matzzie
Wednesday, February 2nd, 2005