Hagel "wavering" on Bolton Nomination - He needs to hear from YOU.
Oppose John Bolton's Nomination! Take Action!
Someone who is blatantly against the United Nations should NOT be the US ambassador to the UN!
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee is planning hearings on the nomination of John Bolton to the position of U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. in early April. Please urge Senator to take a leadership role in opposing Bolton's nomination. Someone who opposes multilateralism and has a history of actively opposing international cooperation should NOT lead the U.S. mission to the world body.
Please take action now to oppose President Bush's nomination of John Bolton by following the Take Action! link above. Bolton, who is blatantly hostile to the United Nations, should NOT be the US ambassador to the UN!
"There's no such thing as the United Nations....If the UN secretary building in New York lost 10 stories, it wouldn't make a bit of difference," says John Bolton, President Bush's nominee for US ambassador to the United Nations.
Bolton, who served as Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security in the first Bush administration, is an advocate of unilateral U.S. military action, an opponent of arms control, and previously an advocate for withdrawal of US funds from the UN. John Bolton is NOT the right choice to represent the United States at the UN.
During his time in and out of government, Bolton has consistently taken positions undermining the United Nations and other forms of global cooperation. At a 1994 panel discussion sponsored by the World Federalist Association, Bolton made the statement quoted at the top of this message. When the Bush administration failed to persuade the UN to back the invasion of Iraq, John Bolton observed that it was "further evidence to many why nothing more should be paid to the UN system."
Bolton told the Wall Street Journal that signing the letter informing the UN that the United States was removing its signature from the Rome Treaty to create the International Criminal Court "was the happiest moment of my government service." The Senate must seriously question why the Bush administration nominated someone who has repeatedly and blatantly expressed his contempt for the United Nations to represent the U.S. mission to the global organization.
John Bolton would rather retire the UN than reform it...oppose his nomination TODAY!