Fong is the Inspector General of the USDA. She has the kind of guts that deserve to be honored by every cattle state.
In fact, she deserves a tip of the hat from every hamburger-eating, steak-grilling carnivore in the country.
It was Fong who did the right thing and ordered a definitive Western blot test to learn whether a cow had been infected with BSE, commonly known as mad cow disease.
So, Fong took the administrative bull by the horns She ordered the Western blot test. It came back positive. That result was confirmed after several tests were performed at the world’s pre-eminent BSE laboratory in England.
Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns’ initial reaction to Fong’s initiative puzzled a lot of people. Johanns was annoyed!
"From my standpoint, I believe I was put there to operate the department and was very disappointed," Johanns told reporters.
Fong authorized the test, and it was underway, before he was notified.