Esch has announced he is running. He is anti abortion and against the death penalty. Seems a little like Lee Terry himself. might actually run for the Democratic nomination for Nebraska's 2nd Congressional District to run against Lee Terry. I'm a union steward. I work in the Parks Dept. for the City of Omaha. I was the Chairman of the Indian Hills Theater Preservation Society. I never went to college. I'm pro choice. I supported the no smoking law in Omaha that failed. I support Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. I made a speech at a rally about the proposed end to filibusters on Federal Judges. My speech can be heard online. It starts at the 10 minute mark of the 15.8 meg file.'m in the black hat with the green sweatshirt. I have a dark beard at this link. sent this as yet unpublished letter to the OWH Public Pulse.
John E. Marcucci has missed a very important point or two in his pulse letter from Aug. 13th. Our nation was founded on the principle of if you don't like it, change it by vote or by peaceful action. It was a small band of men disguised as Native American's that threw British tea overboard. It was one person (Rosa Parks) sitting on a bus that started a civil rights revolution. It was one person in China that stopped a line of tanks in Tieneman square. It was a few men sitting in a tank that stopped Russian troops from charging the capital where Yeltsin was barricaded in and finishing a military coup attempt in the former Soviet Union. Those few men in a tank that never fired a shot, were later hailed as national heroes and smothered with flowers. A few dedicated people can change the world through peaceful activities.
Mr. Marcucci also must have missed in history class that it was the millions that stood by and did nothing that brought Hitler into power. I myself in the last few months have publicly protested the proposed changes to Social Security, Karl Rove's fund raiser in Omaha, the killing of harp seals in Canada, the proposed end of judicial filibusters in the US Senate, and the law that prevents the hand recounting of votes in Nebraska after an election. The sound of horns honking approval far outweighed the few voices or gestures of disapproval.
I do sleep better knowing the men and women are in the silos. But these "peace activists" at Offutt Air Force Base are exercising a national right of peaceful assembly. A political right Mr. Marcucci apparently never understood in history class. As for Hilter and modern times, remember the quote from George Santayana. "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
So would you vote for a true blue collar candidate?