that the playing field should be leveled. That the sons and daughters of the rich and famous should have the same privilege of dying for a sick regime's hallucination as the middle and lower middle classes. Strange, but he didn't mention the poor enlistees from the lower classes, those that feel that the only way to an education and a better life is enlisting for four years.
As for Nebraska, this place is so ungodly republican that it makes me sick. At one time Nebraska was heavily democratic, but it took a wrong turn somewhere and we ended up where we are today. Even our democratic senator is an ex-republican. But he still tows the old republican party line. I don't like Ben Nelson, and I even wrote to the Nebraska Democratic Party and suggested they find another candidate and put old Ben out to pasture. Never did get an answer. It's so pathetic that he's the best that this party has to offer in this state. Surely we should be able to find someone who can make the people understand that since the republicans took control, the quality of life in this state has gone to hell in a handcart. (My grandmother used to say that, does anyone know what it means?)
The family farm will soon be gone. Corporate farming is driving them out. The price of meat and grain products in the stores do not reflect what they are making off their labors. The farmers are not raking in the bucks for their cattle, pigs, or chickens. The price they're getting per pound isn't enough to sustain them. Grain prices, without government subsidies, can't sustain them either.
Corporate hog farms are a source of serious pollution, both air and water, and they are causing serious health problems here in the Midwest. In some communities the quality of the drinking water is so bad that it's a health risk just to brush your teeth. But they are allowed to flourish. If they ever do get sanctioned they are just get a fine and go back to doing business as usual. People should really look to see how serious the pollution is from corporate animal lots. And the conditions that the animals have to live in are unbelievably cruel. The animal may end up being slaughtered for food, buy to make is suffer from overcrowding and filth while it is alive is unnecessary and disgusting.
I'd go into the issue of genetically modified grains and fertilizers but I'm too tired. But the whole point of this is we don't have anyone in this state to try to straighten any of these problems out. And we don't have a strong voice in this state (or anywhere in the Midwest) to say that the quality of life, the state of the environment, and the lack of jobs are issues that we can't keep ignoring.