If you are receiving this e-mail, it means that your organization is going to be affected by a vote that our United States Senator Ben Nelson cast today, Thursday, November 3.
He voted to support the federal budget cuts.
Which means....
266, 245 Nebraska medicaid recipients in this state (including the aged, the blind and disabled, the children, and adults) will suffer
$2.4 million will be lost in Nebraska child support collections over the next 10 yrs. affecting single parents ability to raise their kids in a healthy environment
52,483 Nebraska students who have student loans will lose help to further their life and get an education
$7.6 million will be lost when Nebraska elementary and secondary education cuts take place (affecting education for the disadvantaged, special education programs and school improvement programs
$486,000.00 will be lost for Nebraska's vocational and adult education programs
3,800 Nebraskans will lose their low income home energy assistance for a total of $2.4 million, when Nebraska is projected to have one of the harshest winters in a long time
$503,000.00 will be lost for Nebraska's women, infant and children in the special supplemental nutrition program
$3.4 million will be lost for Nebraska's abused and neglected children in head start
$490,000.00 will be lost for Nebraska's child care assistance programs
$2.17 million will be lost for Nebraska's community development block grant
$1.4 million will be lost for Nebraska's EPA clean water / drinking water state revolving funds
These numbers are staggering, especially when they are all combined and show how many will suffer as the cost of living and maintaining a family only rises.
These are our working families. These are our students, our mothers, our children, our parents, our union members, our disabled. This list could go on and on....
Now the question is what do we do.
I urge you to each call Senator Nelson and discuss the cuts that affect your interests.
I will be sending out more information as it becomes available as to activities that will be taking place over the next several days from the Emergency Campaign for America's Priorities (ECAP).
I thank you so much for taking the time and reading this, it means so much to so many to have your support.