I live in Lincoln and I have to be honest I have no idea how it is going to turn out. As you know Nebraska is a VERY Repug state, however Connealy is running a good race and yes Fortenberry is a right wing nut job. Fortenberry took Lincoln in the R primary, easily, but Connealy did OK too. I think it will all come down to who can get the vote out. As far as that goes, here in NE the Dems are as fired up as I've ever seen them, and I've been quite active for many years. It will be a close one, but my money (today at least) is on Connealy. Lincoln isn't as conservative as the rest of the District (UNL is here), so if Connealy can do well here, he may be ok. Fortenberry scares me, evangelical Christian type with no platform and a lot of money. Here are some sites.