who might read this post also try to get this essay into the Senator's hands to read? I'm not from Nebraska, so I'm afraid my email will be overlooked. Thanks!
Please read this important essay by Geoffrey Stone, distinguished former Dean of the University of Chicago Law School, who has changed his mind, and now says Alito must not be confirmed:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/geoffrey-r-stone/why-the-senate-should-not_b_14229.htmlDear Senator Nelson:
I am hoping that you will reconsider your decision to vote to confirm Judge Alito as Supreme Court Justice. I understand that this vote is a vote of conscience, but I hope that you are willing to consider new and additional facts, and think again about the decision, before casting such an important vote.
The distinguised former Dean of the University of Chicago, Geoffrey Stone, who initially supported Alito, has just recently changed his mind, and describes his reasons in the essay I referenced above. That such a respected legal mind has revised his opinion regarding Alito is significant. Dean Stone believes that Judge Alito would be an "activist judge," and I noticed that was a concern of yours in your C-Span interview yesterday. Should you wish to discuss the matter further with Dean Stone, this is his email address: gstone@uchicago.edu
I realize your time is very limited, but I again urge you to read the essay. If it is a staff person who first reviews these emails, I ask that person to please visit the website I gave, print the essay, and deliver it directly to the Senator's hands. The Supreme Court confirmation vote is one of a Senator's most important duties. Please don't make this important decision without considering the points made in the excellent essay by Dean Stone.
Thank you for your kind consideration of this request.
Here's my thread about the article by Dean Stone, which is worth a read: