OK, here's the Repukes strategy for Nevada, a battle ground state, Rove is from Reno, family in Reno and Elko through marriage, Repuke party in Elko is controlled by foreign company mining executives who have made billions off the public lands in Nevada because they pay jack crap mining fees due to this 1873 Mining Act that no one dares support the revision of because it just ain't Republican to tax a foreign mine who creates jobs today and leaves destitute communities behind with environmental issues for the taxpayers to pick up, see that is true New American Century conservatism, corporate welfare handouts.
Now, don't let me forget to tell you that just after getting his ass kicked by Clinton, Daddy Bush joined the international board of Canadian mining giant Barrick Goldstrike who made their fortune on the Carlin Trend up here in Nevada.
And let us not forget that all major state elected officials are Repukes and they've been out stumping for Bushass.
Yep, Nevada is about being a battleground state where gold is plenty and water will be even more valuable since Bush passed that Lincoln County land and water grab bill a few weeks ago that will allow private water companies to go into right of way easements in wilderness study areas in rural Nevada to grab water to make a profit off the idiots in Las Vegas.
Headline story below:
ELKO - National Mining Association is disputing remarks by Elizabeth Edwards during her Elko visit that advertisements saying that Sen. John Kerry wants a mining royalty are a "hoax."
At the same time, Kerry's campaign is maintaining that the Democratic presidential hopeful is not planning an 8 percent royalty on mining production.
"It's interesting Elizabeth Edwards tried to walk the campaign away from Sen. Kerry's proposal," National Mining Association spokeswoman Carol Raulston said this morning.
She said the mining industry based its comments on a proposed Kerry royalty on Kerry's Aug. 9 speech at the Grand Canyon and a speech in April at Georgetown University.