Edited on Fri Nov-26-04 11:39 PM by TankLV
Something small. Something fun and social to start.
I am thinking - thinking only - of getting involved again. I've been trying to stay away from politics for awhile so as not to injure my health after these last few disappointing cycles.
Maybe we can do it slowly and painlessly if we start early and take just one bite out of the elephant at a time. I've noticed that there are a few of us here. It would be a shame if we at least didn't try to take this state and country back.
I plan on devoting less time to work from now on - but that's another story.
Maybe we CAN make a difference. Maybe we can be the ones that with the efforts of others can rebuild our party from the ground up.
I am not happy with the current crop of candidates, from Reid on down, with the exception of Shelley, who I think is doing a decent job and actually speaks well and is not afraid to do so.
Just my 2 cents.
I don't post often, but I check back in now and then.