Anyway, dinner. Our speakers for the night were Judge James Rogan (Clinton Impeachment House Manager and CA State Assembly Majority Leader), and Lorraine T Hunt (Nevada Lieutenant Governor).
Rogan rambled about how we were involved in politics to do god's good work and make the world better, including some clever lines about how we are different because we believe we were put here for a reason (while using hand gestures to make a cross), and alluded to the superiority of intelligent design over evolution.
Lorraine Hunt's presentation was far more disturbing. She rambled on about how horrible Senator Reed was, implying that he was a traitor for not supporting Bush and (I'm paraphrasing here, though I wish I had this speech on tape!), asked about "who's side he was really on, ours or the terrorist?" I really don't know how a Lieutenant Governor can accuse a Senator of treason just for having an opinion they disagree with, I was dumbfounded at her lack of basic decency and the way she attacked her political opponent in completely abstract polarizing terms instead of addressing the actual issues and differences of opinion.