& when I was a teen (15 or so years ago) we used to go to Manchester to hang out on Elm St. We went in droves. Even then, as a small (in stature) girl, I never felt the least bit uncomfortable. I live in Portsmouth now and dont get to Manch too often, but Ill tell you that the last time I was there, about a year ago (downtown late at night) I was scared as hell. I have friends that live in Manchester, who for years have been talking about the escalating gang violence there. The same late-night shooting that you describe. Is it gangs? I dont know - but I do know that the feel of the city has definitely changed. And its not just Manchester. Even in our neck of the woods.. last summer we had a drive-by shooting. In Dover. Dover! And Portsmouth isnt as 'safe' feeling as it was when I moved here 10 years ago either. And dont even get me started about Hampton Beach. We have gangs of children... literally 12 year olds... with knives. My husband and I were followed/harassed for 'looking' at a group of them. For whatever reason... it seems that violence has definitely found NH. Its gotten very scary. Very quickly.