As of Friday morning, it is official. I am a candidate for US COngress in New Hampshire's first district.
Jeb Bradley has sat idle while we face the prospect of becoming the first generation in our history to fail to leave our kids and grandjids a safer and more prosperous country than the one we inherited from our parents. That's unconscionable, and I won't sit by and let it happen.
I'm ready to take the fight to Jeb. I'm ready to challenge him on his alleged strong suit of national security. Why has military readiness deteriorated on his watch? Why are nuclear and chemical anti-roliferation efforts going underfunded? Why did he oppose a measure to investigate contractor abuses against our sevicemembers in Iraq? I'll ask these questions and set down some tough and smart policies of my own.
I'm ready to fight to make sure that every NH family has the health care they need; I'm ready to invest in public education and job skills training, in scientific research that creates the jobs, products and cures of tomorrow.
I'm ready to restore integrity and a sense of service to Washington. I won't accept campaign funds from special interest groups or from lobbyists. When I go to Washington, I'll go with no strings attached.
Let's tell the truth, share some ideas, kick butt and take names!