Camp Wellstone: Manchester, New Hampshire
6/1 - 6/3/07
Camp Wellstone is a training program that teaches progressives how to win on issues and elect good candidates. We use a distinctive approach to politics, based on Paul Wellstone's success at integrating grassroots organizing, electoral organizing, progressive public policy and ethical leadership.
The training is highly interactive, combining exercises, lectures, and simulations over the course of 2.5 days. Camp runs Friday from 2:00pm-9:00pm, Saturday from 9:00am-6:00pm, and Sunday from 9:00am-3:00pm. You'll stay busy the whole time and make some great networks!
Camp Wellstone is divided into three tracks:
* Candidate track. This is for people who have made the decision to run for office.
* Campaign track. This track focuses on how to be an effective staff or volunteer member of a winning progressive campaign.
* Citizen activist track. For people interested in citizen lobbying, issue advocacy, and community organizing, this track provides skills in how to win on issues.