Already the dirty tricks are starting. The week it’s an open attack on
our new 1st CD Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter. And it wasn’t just a few
ads that were
fear mongering, dark-days-ahead, terrorist-everywhere and
it’s all her fault for not making way for the telecoms to break the law
and the Bush administration to continue with the no-paper-trail attack
on Americans basic rights. It’s that the WMUR Channel 9 news covered
the ads as a news piece and outright stated that the group producing it
was bi-partisan. This of course is hot stinking
merde. Mr. Tesha
and I each sent messages to TV-9 voicing our disapproval and called
Shea-Porter’s office promising support – but big whoop, right? Damage
done – lie in place, ready to pounce on the nice average good ole’
terra-fied New Hampshirites. I HATE those manipulative right-wing
So what help am I specifically asking for? I’m starting a website to
support NH by bringing together all the separate groups that lean
left – getting the word out about who’s doing what, where to find them,
how to help them. Listing all the blogs and pointing out all the nasty
stuff that those bastards are trying to do to us and to our country.
Send me links to blogs and websites, send me letters to post and
ideas - send me what ever you can...
http://AptRemarks.comBelow is the text of what I sent to Channel 9; maybe you could add
your voice as well?
Since when does a newsreader take his story directly from
an ad without investigation? Shame on you, you owe Carol Shea-Porter
an apology - the FISA court is still in place and no wiretap has
been halted because she stands with Americans on the importance of
checks and balances placed on ANY administration. Last night shamed
your news staff and your station and NH. I listen to you for news,
not fear mongering and lies.