Hey kids, is regular rethuglicanism not extreme enough for you? Do you really want to express your deep-seated hatred for mankind as loudly as possible? Sick of denying your true selfishness with platitudes to charity? Do you truly detest even the most basic elements of civilized society, aquiescing to people at least their right to live their life with their opinions and avoiding violence? Or maybe you're just a sick weirdo who's read too much Ayn Rand. Well then, libertarianism is for you!!!
some background: The Free State Project is a project to get libertarians to move to New Hampshire to affect its politics. Often referred to as the "FSP"
A- More than once FSPers have stated that drunk driving should be legal. Libertarians in general spout this nonsense; even Lew Rockwell wrote an article claiming such ("Legalize Drunk Driving", Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., November 3, 2000)
http://forum.freestateproject.org/...http://forum.freestateproject.org/...and there's more where that came from.
B- On the radio show "Free Talk Live", the show host, Ian "Freeman" Bernard has repeatedly expressed his belief that little kids can consent to sex. Even as young as 5 or 6 or 10. He brings up this subject even without prompting. He's described how he thinks even pedophilic incest should be legal. Or sex pedophilic sex between students and teachers should be legal.
http://media.libsyn.com/...http://www.freetalklive.com/...http://media.libsyn.com/...B2 - In 2009 Timothy Logsdon, a free stater, plead guilty to sexually assaulting his young daughter.
There are free staters defending him, claiming he's being persecuted for being a free stater.
One person who knows him and talks with him said that the he (Tim Logsdon) said that the reason he plead guilty is because he felt his actions might have passed the test of being able to be "reasonably construed" as "for the purpose of sexual gratification", as per the letter of the law. Gee, you'd think that whether you're doing something to your kid for sexual gratification or not would be a pretty thick, clearly visible line.
And they were still defending him.
http://bbs.freetalklive.com/...http://bbs.freetalklive.com/...http://nhunderground.com/...C- One kid was rambling about how free staters could set up a "free town" by buying up all the land around other people's houses and then blockading people in their houses until they agreed to leave altogether.
http://forum.freestateproject.org/...D- Ian of Free Talk Live, commenting on the Loughner massacre, said victim Gabrielle Giffords was "also violent"
http://www.youtube.com/...E- Another kid was threatening his aquaintenances simply for running for mayor. Being a mayor means being in government, see? And being in government is violent and libertarians have the right to "defend themselves" from government, which is always violent in their mind.
http://forum.freekeene.com/...F- Numerous times they have protested topless, with breasts exposed, in public parks. They did this even as school buses taking kids home from school were passing by in downtown Keene.
G- They're so nuts they even attract paranoid schizophrenics. Out of all the political philosophies out there, which one is so nuts it's barely distinguishable from crazy paranoid rambling that it attracts actual schizophrenics? Libertarianism.
http://forum.freestateproject.org/...H- Paranoia is such a common trait they'll even accuse their own members of being "federal agents" and then throw away all their hullaballoo about property rights and rummage through someone's stuff without permission.
http://forum.freekeene.com/...I - Here's a thread where one poster describes how he has rejected "interpersonal sex", and as a substitute tried masturbating to a video of deliberations in the NH house of representatives.
http://bbs.freetalklive.com/...J - In Janurary 2011 an officer in New Jersey was murdered during a traffic stop. One free stater described the cop as a "piglet" and a "thug" "bullying" the "victim" during the traffic stop, but the "victim" this time "defended himself"
http://forum.freestateproject.org/...J2 - In 2001, Tom Alciere, a free stater who was running for NH house of reps, was found out to have made comments encouraging the killing of cops.
And make no mistake about it, Tom Aclieri was a free stater and still posts on the free state project forums.
post as recent as 2010
http://forum.freestateproject.org/...with a free stater defending him, as a bonus
J3 - When free staters disagreed with the actions of a cop who arrested a free stater, instead of taking some civil route, they stalked him, went to his house as a group, and harassed him and his family in the middle of the night.
http://www.youtube.com/...K - In 2006 a "Larry Mugrage" of Ohio shot a 15-year old boy just for crossing over his lawn. It was a news story that reached national attanetion for a short while. Poster "Joe" claims that the man abolutely had a right to do that - to shoot a kid, just for walking over his lawn.
http://forum.freestateproject.org/...K2 - "Joe" claims he has the right to kill someone just for keying his car.
http://forum.freestateproject.org/...L - In 2010, Joseph and Jerry Kane, members of the "sovereign citizen" movement, a libertarian movement, murdered two police officers. Joe supports their right to have done that.
http://forum.freestateproject.org/...M - Joe described Jared Lee Loughner's massacre of federal agents as "morally defensible"
http://nhunderground.com/...O - Joe believes Ian's claim that as an 11 year-old Ian was able to consent to sex (as referenced in B above)
More general notes on libertarians in town politics.
In 2003 3 "sovereign citizens" were involved in a standoff in Abbeville, South Carolina:
http://en.wikipedia.org/...And let's not forget Rand Paul's apprehension on the civil rights act.