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Right winger bills

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BroccoliTowel Donating Member (33 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-09-11 10:07 AM
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Right winger bills
Edited on Thu Jun-09-11 10:07 AM by BroccoliTowel
Bit by bit, bill by bill, they're desroying a state
It's important not to ignore this bill or that because it seems small. It all adds up to big changes over time.

Our Gun Totin', Vote Denyin', Air Pollutin' Lawmakers
by: William Tucker
Thu Jun 02, 2011 at 06:00:00 AM EDT
Just another day at the State House.

House lawmakers passed SB 88 by a 248-111 margin. The bill eliminates the requirement for a permit to carry a concealed weapon, allows gun owners to brandish their weapon, and permits use of deadly force without retreat.

SB 129, a bill requiring voters to present photo identification to vote in person, passed the House by a veto-proof 259-116 vote.

The House thumbed its nose at the Senate and passed SB 154, the comprehensive shoreline protection act with an amendment to withdraw from RGGI tacked on, 248-109. The bill now goes to a joint Committee of Conference.

Meanwhile, the Senate voted 19-5 to approve a two-year budget that spends $71 million more than the House plan, but nearly $250 million less than Gov. Lynch proposed. Republicans rejected amendments that would have added funds for hospital charity care, state colleges and universities, child health care, elderly housing services and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. House and Senate negotiators must now work out a compromise plan.

There was some good news. Once again, Speaker O'Brien was unable to round up the super-majority he needs to override Gov. Lynch's Right-to-Work veto.

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Mopar151 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-12-11 06:24 AM
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1. I was talking to a former NH legislator yesterday
"They're not even American to me anymore."
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