PORTSMOUTH - On the heels of what most political pundits felt was a superior performance in the first of three presidential debates, Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry is bringing his campaign to New Hampshire, again emphasizing the importance of the state’s four electoral votes in this year’s election.
Kerry will meet with supporters at around 10 p.m. on Sunday at Port City Air, an aircraft servicing facility at Pease International Tradeport. Democratic candidates from around the state also are expected to be there, including U.S. Senate hopeful Doris "Granny D" Haddock.
Early the following morning, Kerry will be joined by television star Michael J. Fox, an advocate of stem cell research, at Winnacunnet High School in Hampton.
Monday’s "Town Hall Forum" will focus on Kerry’s plan to end President Bush’s ban on federal funding for research on stem cell lines created after Aug. 9, 2001. The Massachusetts Democrat has indicated a willingness to expand medical research and "bring back scientific excellence in America."
A press release from the Kerry campaign indicated that while in Hampton the senator will hear from New Hampshire families who have personal experience with debilitating diseases that could one day be "cured or ameliorated by stem cell therapy." He is also expected to discuss the Kerry/Edwards plan to lift the barriers that he says stand in the way of science in order to push the boundaries of medical exploration to allow researchers to find possible cures.
http://www.seacoastonline.com/news/10022004/news/40884.htmFor information as well as tickets to John Kerry’s campaign events in either Portsmouth or Hampton, contact the Kerry/Edwards campaign headquarters in Portsmouth at 767 Islington St., 766-5580.