Redneck Socialist - do you know anything about the proposed racetrack that is supposed to be built on Mt. Whittier in Tamworth? A shady group called Club Motorsports International (CMI) is allegedly building it. CMI is fronted by Stephan Condodematrakey of Derry - his father was a politician at one point. I won't bore you with the dirty dealings that have gone on/and continue to, in Tamworth, thanks to CMI, but it's a nasty business.
Tamworth has no zoning laws, zoning being akin to godless communism there - which is why CMI chose the town in the first place. The town voted down an emergency zoning measure, thanks to CMI buying the selectmen and many townspeople, and funding the hundreds of antizoning signs that sprung up all over town.
CMI and the town worked together on developing a racetrack ordinance that presumably everyone could live with, which gave the town some control over noise, hours of operation, etc. In fact, a noise study was done, and paid for by the Tamworth Foundation - CMI initially offered to pay half, but reneged when they didn't like the results.
In any case, somewhere along the way, CMI decided the town's ordinance was going to be too restrictive, so instead of saying so, they had some legislators propose a piece of legislation (SB458) that changed the rules for "private driving schools" which suddenly CMI became. This legislation was whizzed through with great haste - and no one attended the hearings, because no one was tracking legislation for private driving schools. State Senator Joe Kenney didn't feel the need to discuss the hearings with anyone in his district - even though he knew how contentious this whole project is. The bill never went on the floor, it was slapped on the consent calendar, and signed by Governor Hummer before the Tamworth Town Meeting. At the town meeting, the racetrack ordinance was overwhelmingly voted in, by the town residents - who had no idea that special interest legislation had been recently passed allowing CMI to bypass the voters of Tamworth.
In any case, John Gallus was one of the sponsors of the bill. He actually met with me, and a couple of Tamworth residents to discuss the issue, after the fact. It seemed he'd been duped. That's how we all felt, anyhow. Remember - I mentioned he is very friendly and charming.
Doing some campaign finance research today, I find a contribution to Gallus from Stephan Condodematrakey.
I'm going to do my best to broadcast that in the north country. We take our local control pretty seriously - and everyone hates a legislator so obviously being rewarded for doing a nasty piece of business.