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Peace display in Sandwich, NH

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maxanne Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-09-04 05:16 PM
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Peace display in Sandwich, NH

SANDWICH, N.H. (AP) A Sandwich couple has turned their front yard into a miniature military cemetery to protest the war.

Boone and Maggie Porter arranged more than 1,000 flag-draped bricks representing coffins. There is one for every American killed in the war in Iraq. Each is tagged with the name, rank, age, hometown and date of death of an Iraq casualty.

They are encouraging visitors were encouraged to pick up the bricks, read the names and reflect.

You start holding the brick of an 18- or 19-year-old soldier and you think, what are we doing?'' said Mrs. Porter. ''I wanted something visual for people to look at and I wanted it to be interactive.

This will really get to people. There's a big fair in Sandwich this weekend, too.

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Mr E McSquare Donating Member (144 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-09-04 05:45 PM
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1. Be on the look-out
for repukes who like to throw bricks.
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maxanne Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-11-04 08:06 AM
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2. nothing thrown
But complaints were made. The man who owns the fairground is a Republican (and puts up Republican signs on the grounds) who complained bitterly to the police about Boone and Maggie's display. They can't force the Porters to take it down, though they are going to take it down today.

At the fair, the booth for the Republicans was in a nice place, located on a corner, whilst the Democrats were located directly accross the way from the porta-potties and a garbage truck.

In spite of that, the Democrats had a much livlier and friendlier crowd - and they ran out of Kerry buttons and bumper stickers. Based on an informal study of sticker wearing folk at the fair yesterday, Kerry was waaaaaay ahed.

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