Salem/Derry HQ had just gotten a BUNCH of lawn signs, (by the way, still available if your interested)so we got some to distribute. Not only did the canvass go 3 to 1 Kerry, but we had 6 signs. Got one house on a street say, we'd love a sign. Great, put it up and continue on the way. Coming back down the street as it was a dead end, a guy comes out in the street waving at us. Not on the list to be canvassed, no idea who he is. We stop, says, my neighbor said you have Kerry signs, can I have one? SURE. Putting that sign up, another neighbor, who had not answered the door, comes running over, Do you have any more signs? Sure. So this street, which had one house with a Chimpy sign, suddenly turns into Kerry Land. It was great. Long conversations about how chimpy is an idiot, he's ruining the country, all the stuff we say here. Leave that street, next house, Big burly guy doing Yard work. Start talking, he loves Kerry, former marine, Chimpys an Idiot, f'ing up in Iraq, working on his wife who is undecided, He'd Love a yard sign, and he's on a main street. Along the way, we are Roadside Blogging with bright "Where is Osama" Signs. 40 Signs up, they are all over town now. Guy starts yelling at us from his car and flips us off while we are posting one. One got ripped down and we replaced it later the same day. All in all a great day, mobilizing Kerry Supporters and Pissing off Chimpy supporters. Yea, a really great day.