His own party hated him - as Redneck Socialist pointed out, he was a Libertarian masquerading as a Republican. He didn't work well with the legislature at all. He appointed a number of "volunteers" to various positions - the volunteers weren't paid by the state, but were frequently paid by Benson's corporate buddies - and all were cronies from his corporate days. There were a number of ethics scandals around the volunteers. Benson steadily refused to even list all the volunteers names. He decided NH needed a CIO, and appointed an unqualified crony to the job - which paid $150,000 a year - the highest paid state employee ever, and one of the highest paid CIO's in the nation - for NH, with a 1.3 million population. The guy did nothing for year, and stepped down just before he was about to be held accountable.
On the personal side - he was the subject of much mirth and levity for driving his Humvee around, till the "Governor Hummer is a Bummer" stickers cropped up on Concord bumpers. He made the state buy a new Tahoe to drive him around in. He was having an extramarital affair (while claiming family values) and was caught in the act - the list goes on and on.
He was arrogant, obnoxious - and did a piss poor job.
Lynch won on the ABB platform - anyone but Benson.