for acne? 1992 Globe Newspaper Company
The Boston Globe
September 23, 1992, Wednesday, City Edition
LENGTH: 597 words
HEADLINE: Gregg releases records on his draft deferment
BYLINE: By John Milne, Globe Staff
Gov. Judd Gregg yesterday released Selective Service records that showed he was not drafted during the Vietnam War because of a college deferment and an unspecified physical ailment.
His father, former Gov. Hugh Gregg, denied a report that said he had pulled political strings to help his son evade military service. However, the elder Gregg said that it is possible his son and the family doctor might have "exaggerated" physical problems to reduce his chances of being drafted.
Judd Gregg, a Republican running for the US Senate, repeated yesterday that he had suffered from bad knees, sleepwalking and severe acne in 1969, conditions he said were severe enough that the Nashua draft board classified him 1-Y. That status disqualified draftees from combat and, during that period, active service. The governor shows no physical problems today and is an active skier.
Had Judd Gregg not been classified 1-Y, he probably would have been drafted because his Feb. 14 birthday placed him fourth on the draft list.