1) Fred Phelps protested at the funeral of Mister Rogers, and says "Mister Rogers Caused the Space Shuttle Disaster."Neighborhood menace
... Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan. ... late Fred Rogers would've reacted to Fred Phelps' calumnies by turning the other cheek. ...
http://www.post-gazette.com/columnists/20030307tony107col2p2.aspMister Rogers Caused the Space Shuttle Disaster
... And, of course, there could be only one man in America bizarre enough to protest Mister Rogers -- you guessed it, Fred Phelps. ...
http://brian.carnell.com/3556God, Buggery, and Mister Rogers by Ralph R. Reiland -- Capitalism ...
... were swarming recently outside Heinz Hall in Pittsburgh to reveal the will of God regarding Mister Rogers' Neighborhood and a few other devilish things.
http://tinyurl.com/9qukj2) Fred Phelps says "God Hates America" and says we deserved the 9/11 attack.
He has a website called GodHatesAmerica.comGod Hates America -- A Warning to the USA!!!
Site affiliated with Godhatesfags.com records debate between anti-gay activist Fred W. Phelps, Sr., with Harvard-trained theologian John Rankin on the ...
http://www.godhatesamerica.com/ Day Of God's Wrath
... Listen to Fred Phelps' sermons: GOD HATES AMERICA Part 1 and GOD HATES AMERICA Part 2! To learn more about what America is in store for, read the book ...
http://www.godhatesfags.com/main/dayofterror.htmlBaptistWatch.org Exposing zealots like Fred Phelps
A site dedicated to exposing religious zealots like Fred Phelps... ... He runs
two websites: God Hates America
and God Hates Fags ...
www.baptistwatch.org/fredphelps.html - 12k - Cached - Similar pages
3) Fred Phelps gullibly cited an article in The Onion, a satire magazine, as evidence of homosexual recruitment.
A recent cover story, '98 HOMOSEXUAL-RECRUITMENT DRIVE NEARING GOAL was picked up by Fred Phelps, architect of the notorious God Hates Fags Web site, who listed the article as proof of a gay conspiracy. Onion Webmaster Jack Szwergold quickly doctored the link so that Phelps groupies who clicked on it would be transported to The Onion's homepage, where they would understand (he hoped) that it was a spoof of the very kind of homophobic paranoia Phelps peddles.
Anti-gay Parents Say Satire = Evidence
4) Phelps thanks God for the South Asian Tsunami.
The tsunami was an adumbration of the wrath of God, a harbinger of things to come: that Great Day of Judgment. Amos 3:6 "Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?" That word translated "evil" there is means distress, misery, injury, calamity. The answer, of course, to the rhetorical question posed in this verse is a resounding "NO!" See also Romans 1:18 "For the wrath of God is
revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;" And you wonder if this is the wrath of God?
5) Phelps calls Catholics " idolatrous morons" and "The Church of the Holy Fags and Pedophiles." And says The Pope is in Hell.
Deal with it, you idolatrous morons: The Pope is in Hell!
WBC to picket Palmer High School
6) Phelps has protested against The Fire Department of New York 3 times since 9/11 and calls it "a fag department."
Mr. Rogers is in hell, apparently. So says America's most vitriolic and controversial Baptist preacher, Reverend Fred Phelps. On May 3, Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church congregation will picket a memorial service for Rogers, attempting to educate its attendees on the evils of the revered PBS icon.
FRED: Well, it hasn't been long ago. We've been up there three times since Sept. 11 picketing with big signs that say "Thank God For Sept. 11" and that the FDNY is a fag fire department.
BT: Why's that?
FRED: Well because they're laced with fags and their fag agenda and their chaplain was a fag priest named Mychal Judge
FRED: And any outfit that's that dumb or evil -- I mean an out-of-the closet fag priest?! And they bragged about it! And they need to be picketed. And they're not heroes and we got signs that say all that.
When St. Patrick's Cathedral was honoring them on a Sunday not long after Sept. 11 and they had all those fire trucks lined up there and they're praising them to the high heavens then we were over there with signs saying that they're not heroes and they're all bound for hell. Now, that's the way you preach
7) Phelps is a disbarred lawyer.
Anti-gay church known for its no-shows
The New Mexican/March 25, 2005
By Henry M. Lopez
Civic and religious leaders in Santa Fe have slightly more than three weeks to prepare for the arrival of anti-gay activists from Kansas who Wednesday announced their intention to picket churches and city government they deem accepting of gays. The group, however, has a history of no-shows for such events.
Phelps earned a law degree from Washburn University in Topeka and was admitted to the bar that year. He was disbarred in Kansas for ethical violations in 1979, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
8) Fred Phelps may be linked to incidences of cross burning at churches in Durham, North Carolina.
9) For a wealth of information on Fred Phelps:
Fred Phelps (born November 13, 1929) is the controversial leader of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas, United States, which is notorious for its websites godhatesfags.com and godhatesamerica.com. Gay rights activists, as well both mainstream and fundamentalist Christians, have denounced him as a producer of anti-gay propaganda and violence-inspiring hate speech. The church is located
in the basement of his home, which is the center of a block-wide fenced compound, the other houses in which are occupied by nine of his thirteen children.
Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church: In Their Own Words
From The Anti-Defamation League
About The Westboro Baptist Church
At the funeral of gay murder victim Matthew Shepard, they held up signs reading "No Fags in Heaven" and "God Hates Fags." According to their Web site, they have staged "20,000" protests across the nation and around the world in the last decade. They believe that "God's hatred is one of His holy attributes." They are the congregants of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas.
10) See what Fred Phelps says about Jews