Is U.S. Representative Charles Bass (R, Peterboro, NH) vulnerable to tank in the next election? This thought after reading that Charlie lost his favored New Hampshire status when Charlie couldn't get enough Republican votes to fund the federal superfund MTBE cleanup monies tilted toward New Hampshire! Can you imagine U.S. Senator Judd Gregg (R, NH) bashing his fellow Republican, Charlie Bass! Yes, Gregg did. Unreal.
And, there's more from NH's Dems too: "Charlie Bass's plan protected MTBE-makers, hurt taxpayers and, frankly, it is no surprise that it is going down in flames," said Kathy Sullivan, chairwoman of the (New Hampshire) state Democratic Party. "This whole episode has put a real black mark on Charlie Bass's record."
this issue the key to Charlie's last election win, e.g., that he would
get clean water monies for New Hampshire by obtaining federal superfund monies to
clean up MTBE from ground water? Because private litigation was bogged down with federal judges who won't allow corporations to pay for their own spillage of MTBE into the ground water. And NH's AG is in federal court battling this too, as are some other towns and municipalities within NH.
Gawd, I hope Charlie falls on
his own petard. So much for
Sheehan, Phinney, Bass & Green's fair-haired boy. (BTW, Sheehan, Phinney, Bass & Green are one of NH's LARGEST
corporate law firms, wink-wink, nod-nod. And, no that's
not ex-governor Jeanne Sheehan (D, NH) as a law firm member.)
edited to include earlier NH DU thread regarding Charlie Bass:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=166x672 .