Unfair tax breaks? Younger homeowners feel pinch of aging state
By Sunday News Staff
Some Granite State analysts say increasingly generous income and asset limits offered by some cities and towns in their property tax break programs for senior citizens are unfair to some younger, lower-paid home owners — and could even lead more out-of-state elderly to take up residence here.
But others say the savings reaped by seniors through such programs helps them stay in their homes, and is so small in real dollar terms that it would have no practical effect on either attracting older folks looking for a deal, or driving away younger folks who feel put upon by making up the difference.
The $16 million local property taxes that seniors didn’t pay in 2003 was picked up by others, in some cases younger folks who earn less than the seniors getting the tax breaks, according to an analysis by the New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies, a Concord-based non-partisan think tank.
“I’m not trying to discriminate against the younger people, but they can go out on a Saturday and get a part-time job,” Hooksett resident and former town council member Patricia Rueppel].
Hey, all you old people who want to vote against schools and vote to keep the unfair property tax system can go fuck yourselves. Get a job at Wal-Mart or picking up trays at McDonald's. Or, better yet, sell the fucking Cadillac and the winter place in Florida. How about one or two less trips down to Foxwoods? Fixed income my ass. So I'm supposed to spend one of my two days off each week so your retirement can be a little easier? Bullshit.
Have I mentioned how much I hate this goddam state?