On Abortion:“Ironically, the debate in the final two weeks was between Forrester and the pro-lifers for breaking his commitment to them from the primary and then it was Forrester versus the pro-choice faction of his party for trying to appease the right-to-lifers. Then it was the pro-lifers versus the pro-choicers in the Republican ranks in open media warfare. In the end it became Doug Forrester versus Doug Forrester instead of Doug Forrester versus Frank Lautenberg” <1>
On Healthcare:Forrester would like you to believe that he backs Medicare drug benefits <2> but “...while Congress failed to pass prescription drug benefits for seniors, Doug Forrester has made his money as a middleman, driving up the prices our parents and seniors pay for prescription drugs.” <3>
On Principles And Values:Forrester had portrayed himself on the campaign trail as a moderate Republican <2>. However, he was a supporter of the agenda of Trent Lott <3>.
On Social Security:As the director of pensions for the state, Mr. Forrester had opposed privatization, but as soon as he was a candidate in the primary, he came out in support of private retirement accounts, “which many Republicans in Washington characterize as a step toward privatizing Social Security”. <4>
On Taxes:Forrester likes to portray himself as somebody who stands with the president on issues such as taxes <2>, yet he "As mayor of West Windsor, Doug Forrester tripled property taxes, consistently voted for larger municipal budgets, and even voted to INCREASE HIS OWN SALARY," <5>