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A Message from NJ Democrats.

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Kire Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-13-05 09:20 PM
Original message
A Message from NJ Democrats.
A publication of the NJ State Democratic Party
Friday February 11, 2005
This Weeks Topic: The Bush Budget
NJ Dems Vow to Fight for State Funding,
While GOP Leadership Sits Silent Doing Nothing

If you've had a chance to look at the news this week then you
already know New Jersey got the short end of the stick in President
Bush's new budget. From cuts to homeland security, Amtrak, Education
and Medicaid, to an increase in taxes and fees on veterans, this
budget places an increased burden on working families all the while
trying to make the President's tax cuts for the rich permanent.
New Jersey's Democrats are standing up to ensure that the Garden
State gets its fair share of funds. But New Jersey's Republican
leadership hasn't said a word, including the seven Republicans
running for Governor. Even Rick Santorum (R-PA), one of President
Bush's closest allies spoke out against the President's cuts to the
Amtrak budget. It appears silence is the only advocacy New Jersey
can expect from the State Republican Leadership.

Leaving commuters without a ride

Bush's budget eliminates almost all funding for Amtrak. Without this
funding the rail line will go out of business. This would leave
185,000 New Jersey commuters without a ride to work.

The State Republican Leadership's Response? Silence.


30% cut to state homeland security grants

Since Bush gave New Jersey a $19 million cut in security funding
last year, you can bet this is bad news for New Jersey. The
President has continually failed to provide enough homeland security
funding for our state, and while the new budget does not yet specify
how much homeland security money each state will receive, the total
available for distribution to states has been cut by 30%.

The State Republican Leadership's Response? Silence.


Medical co-pays doubled, fees added to "guaranteed" healthcare

Talk about hypocrisy, after a ten-month presidential campaign
focused on degrading Senator Kerry's military credentials and his
commitment to our men and women in uniform, President Bush wasted no
time in adding new taxes and fees to Veterans Healthcare. Not only
does his new his new budget double the co-pay our vets must pay to
see a doctor or get a prescription, it requires some vets to pay a
$250 fee to get the lifetime healthcare that was promised to them. A
promise made should be a promise kept and New Jersey's 672,217
veterans deserve better.

The State Republican Leadership's Response? Silence.


33,000 kids with nowhere to go and no supervision until their
parents get home from work.

Children in families that get up and go to work everyday need a safe
place to go until their parents come home from work. New Jersey's
after school programs gave responsible working parents peace of mind
knowing that their kids would stay out of trouble in a supervised
environment. Now if President Bush has his way 33,000 kids won't
have anywhere to go. This is the wrong choice for New Jersey's
families, New Jersey's children and their future.

The State Republican Leadership's Response? Silence.


Department of Education budget cut by 33%

Once again President Bush is not giving states adequate money to
meet the standards set by his No Child Left Behind Program, which is
underfunded by $12 billion in this budget. This drives more of the
demand for school funding onto local communities and affects
property taxes.

The State Republican Leadership's Response? Silence.


Loss Could Cover 34,300 Children or 6,400 Seniors

President Bush's cuts in healthcare for the poor and disabled is not
only wrong, it could cost our state $1 billion over the next ten
years. 950,000 poorer and disabled New Jersey residents receive
healthcare assistance through Medicaid. These cuts will cause
healthcare costs for the poor to increase, the costs of which will
be passed on to others through higher healthcare premiums.

The State Republican Leadership's Response? Silence.


So are you angry, frustrated, fed up? Want to do something about it?
Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.

Help spread the word about how New Jersey's Democrats are fighting
to help keep our families working healthy and safe. It takes less
than five minutes, needs to be 200 words or less, and makes a big
difference in your local daily and weekly papers. To help ensure
that your letter is printed don't forget to include your name
address and phone number.

Thanks for Reading the New Jersey Demo Memo.
Have a Great Weekend!
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bluestateguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-13-05 09:23 PM
Response to Original message
1. Amtrak is a blue state thing
No wonder he wants to cut it. It connects the big east coast and upper midwest cities. Punish those blue staters and make it harder for them to get to work.
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