Issue: Coverage of Bush’s Visit to Westfield to Mislead on Social Security
(NOTE: to read or write eyewitness reports of the protest in Westfield yesterday, go to: =================================
Here’s the Ledger story about the protest, from page five. It leads off with a self-described “soccer mom” who is against Bush’s plan for SocSec.
The lead story on the front page: President Pitches Revamp to Jerseyans is not yet available on the web so get the paper today!. The first paragraph described the audience as “friendly”, but the second noted that those chosen to actually participate were “handpicked”. The third paragraph indicated that tickets were obtained only through local Repub organizations.
Action: write the Ledger at
Or write other NJ papers/outlets to comment on Bush’s visit and the protest:
Links to other NJ newspapers: SUGGESTED FRAMING:
There are a number of possible LTE angles here for any paper that covered the event. Choose your own angle, or craft a letter based on the following.
First sentence says the audience was “friendly”. Well, of course they were friendly – they were all picked by the White House or local Republicans.
No wonder there was a protest by hundreds of people as this Adminstration-described “conversation” was by invitation-only. How can a leader claim to represent his nation when he won’t even allow anyone with a dissenting opinion in the room? Note appreciatively (when appropriate) if the article provided the view of people the Republicans don’t see fit to converse with in a “public forum”
Point out that even with the hand-picked audience, Bush didn’t take questions! They did quote a number of attendees who don’t buy his plan. It seems that Bush’s plan is so bad that even his hand-picked true believers can’t be trusted to ask a question!
Bush said: “I didn’t run for office to dodge problems”. Ignoring the obvious fact that Bush has created or worsened most of the problems the nation now faces, why not point out that Medicare and the budget deficit are far worse, and much more imminent, crises?
Suggest that the budget deficit and Medicare need help first: start by repealing the tax cut on the most wealthy. After that, why not consider a “wealth tax” before more regressive taxes are put in place.
Ask when is Bush going to explain how removing money from the Social Security system, and borrowing trillions, will strengthen Social Security or the economy? Suggest that perhaps Bush is more interested in ending Social Security than reforming it.
Ask when the Republicans and Bush are going to explain to foreign investors who have invested heavily in T-bills that these self-same Treasury bonds that back Social Security are “worthless IOUs’? Do we have a problem here much larger than the President is letting on?
Even supporters of the president at the event were not able to muster much enthusiasm for his plan other than saying that they support private accounts. Remind readers that private accounts exist currently for anyone who wants to invest in a ROTH IRA or Mutual Fund.
Bush spoke about Social Security as an investment plan in which you place “your money”. Correct the president: Social Security is a national insurance plan in which one generation supports the security of its elders across the board. It was never envisioned as a personal investment plan, but a safety net for all.
Pick a comment from a pro-Social Security reformer and counter it. Ammo can be found at “how to talk to a conservative about social security” article: Courier News also covered the story extensively.
COURIER-NEWS, Bridgewater, NJ
EDITORIAL: Half a debate is not better than none "OUR POSITION: President Bush should be doing more than promoting Social Security privatization; the costs of putting such a system in place should be at the core of the debate."
Send positive remarks on this editorial to:
Other C-N stories:
Nine arrested in Westfield as Bush touts Social Security overhaul Jerseyans have questions, thoughts for Bush - QUOTES FROM SEVERAL PLAINFIELD RESIDENTS
President visits Westfield today to discuss Social Security reform. President's visit a tightly orga nized, choreographed event RECORD: Nice article with lots of citizen quotes criticizing Bush:
================================= ACTION: Thank them for printing the points of view of people not allowed to converse with the president: Author was Tom Davis at
Back to the Ledger: They published a fine editorial on the need to “Balance Security and Rights” ACTION: write or (readerrep takes comments not intended for publication)
Thank them for understanding that one of the basic rights for which the American Revolution was fought was to protect citizens from unlawful detention. The Bush Administration cannot use 9/11 to force a de facto repeal of articles 5 and 6 of the Bill of Rights.
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