I want to thank The Times for their reporting on the W. R. Grace asbestos cover-up by the E.P.A. Anyone reading your reports should be outraged at the inaction by an oversight agency whose job it is to protect the public from such abuses. The reason for such malfeasance can be laid at the feet of the rightwing echo chamber which is constantly calling for de-regulation of industry. Now we see the cost of rightwing ideology - life. In the up is down - black is white - Orwellian world of present day right-wing republican party dogma regurgitated by mainstream "journalists," one could predict the headlines regarding this story if it were to first appear in Trenton's other paper - "W.R. Grace Under Attack From Ruthless EPA" The rightwing has learned how to play these kinds of stories that have caused obvious harm to its readers. To deny them outright would risk discovery of being a fraudulent snake-oil salesman for corporations. Instead they engage in damage control and try to downplay the impact on society - such as the headlines from March 15, 2005 "Smith Declares Hamilton Site Asbestos Free". After reading such a headline (which many people only read), one would wonder what all the fuss was about. The rightwing strategy is clear. Claim to be the victim but act as the perpetrator - attack legitimate news-reporting as being "Liberal," while the rightwing echo chamber spews mis-information. Which brings us to the question as to why being labeled "Liberal" is such a bad thing. Because the rightwing echo chamber has told America so with easy slogans and mis-information. Thus a journalist labeled as "Liberal" will be sure to edit their story the next time damage is done to a corporation or republican rightwing crony. From the fiasco in Iraq to the lies about the manufactured Social Security "crisis" to running interference for corporations to run amok, the country is being damaged by the lunatic fringe of the republican party.