Edited on Wed Jun-01-05 03:59 PM by FogerRox
Why proprietary SW environments should be rejected in voting machines
Proprietary applications packages and operating systems have long been extremely expensive ways to use information technology. It’s obvious why: the supplier has legal ownership of and all information about the vital tools that handle the customer’s data and operations. You, the customer, are powerless and have to pay whatever the supplier asks for small changes, maintenance, upgrading, fixing the inevitable bugs, tracking down system SW and bundled system HW failures, and on and on, whenever the supplier can accommodate your needs. When a system is built on open interfaces and/or open source code, on the other hand, third parties usually become available to help. Many customers of proprietary, closed systems lose vital data and business functions, lose credibility with their own customers, and have often been forced out of business when system vendors provide poor support, cut off support to further their own business, or themselves abandon the business. So proprietary systems and interfaces imply higher expense, shorter system lifetime, and poorer ability to improve usability. Suppliers of closed systems argue that they have better control and can therefore provide better quality, but they seldom actually deliver on that promise.
Election systems are much more vulnerable than ordinary businesses to the perils of closed software; credibility and honesty in rendering election results outweigh even the cost issues. Unless the code is open to inspection by honest non-partisan brokers, there is no way to guarantee that election results can not be altered by breakdowns (the benign case), or by intentional tampering by insiders or hackers. There might be mistakes in the code, or more ominously hidden subroutines that bias the results to the advantage certain candidates or political groups.
A small number of people can incorporate dishonest features into closed-source programs; they might be employees of the manufacturer actinbg on their own or on the instructions of management who are politically or ideologically connected or simply selling corrupt access. Such features might be triggered by network connections known only to a few at any time before or during elections. Or they may be permanently coded, loaded in along with periodic software updates, and triggered autmatically on election day.
All these forms of tampering would be difficult to detect, as they need not affect a large fraction of the votes cast to shift electoral outcomes. If a paper trail is available, it can be used to catch some but not all tampering occurrences.
No amount of advance testing can guarantee systems free of these hazards. But open source code, together with an open mechanism for binding and installing it can give reasonable assurance that votes cast equal votes and outcomes reported.
What’s wrong specifically with Sequioa software:
The considerations above are particularly pertinent to Sequoia, a manufacturere known to have a particular idelogical allegiance. Equipment used for vote counting must be above any appearance of impropriety, irrespective of whether there is actual wrongdoing. When there is no way to detect tampering (closed systems) there is no way to mainain that assurance.
--------------------- this is a draft any comments?