We all know that a growing and unfair property tax burden is making life unaffordable in New Jersey. Jon Corzine released a plan today - a real plan backed by real numbers - to tackle the property tax problem and provide relief to more than 90% of taxpayers. The plan relies on specific spending cuts and an end to the 'corruption tax' in order to provide rebates that are hard-wired into the state budget, and increase 10% per year. You can read the specifics of Jon Corzine's plan at:
http://www.corzineforgovernor.com/propertytaxplan New Jersey’s over-reliance on the property tax is a problem that has been in the making for decades. While some politicians claim that one party or the other is to blame, the fact is that over the last 20 years, property taxes have gone up every year, no matter which party is in power. For this reason, Jon Corzine is also calling for a Citizens Convention to address the structural issues underlying our continually worsening and unfair property tax system.
I encourage you to read the Corzine plan to reduce the property tax burden:
http://www.corzineforgovernor.com/propertytaxplan Many of you have expressed deep concern about property taxes. If you have questions or comments about the Corzine property tax proposal, you can comment on the Corzine Connection blog at: