So I decided to watch something other than the Speed channel yesterday and up pops this commercial from Thuglican primary candidate Todd Caliguire. Interesting how he CLAIMS he will end corruption in the State House when it was controlled by Thuglies for nearly a decade. But what was extremely interesting was there was NO STATED POLITICAL AFFILIATION in the ads. None. Zero. Zip. Nada.
Getting pissed off after arguing with the
morans who run cable TV here, I was ready to bring the wrath of the Dain Bramaged down on an unsuspecting asshat. So I look up his website ( and puked at the claims he makes. Then I realized that I wasn't brain damaged but maybe this guy is. Another wannabe Puke trying to be Governor in NJ. But that's not the end of the story. I called the campaign office (for those of you interested 201-612-0232) and couldn't get by the wonderful voice of concrete of the person answering the phone. Her first comment when I asked why Todd doesn't list his political affiliation in the ads was (are you ready)
I'm not responsible for the TV ads SIR.
When I asked her who was, her response was,
It's the Republican Primary or am I missing something?.
Now my bunions started to swell. I had the little cheese grater at my mercy.
"I bet if you walked down the street with me TODAY on my block, 8 out of ten people couldn't name ONE candidate, let alone Toddy. But it still doesn't excuse you from leaving out that Toddy is a
Republican in a Democratic state"!
There was a long pause, and she whispered "You're right, but I just answer the phones here". After denying me access to talk to anyone there I left her with two important words:
We're watching.Another Puke called out. I'll call again end of the week and follow up with a letter.
Sure made my bunions feel better.