Anne Wolfe
I am honored to have been selected by Governor Dean and DFA for
inclusion in the Dean Dozen. As a long-standing member and civic
activist in the League of Women Voters, I have always believed in the
power of grassroots organization, which I have been a part of all of
my adult life. The energy and patriotism that Governor Dean's
campaign inspired have awakened Democrats and others to the reality
that this nation belongs to the people - not to special interests,
corporate profiteers, or religious extremists - and that only when
the people stand up and demand to be counted can they take their
country back.
I am also grateful for the support of New Jersey for Democracy, the
local Dean-inspired grassroots organization, which is actively
supporting my campaign. Together, we can and will defeat one of the
most radical right-wing members of Congress - my opponent, 5th
District Freshman Representative Scott Garrett.
My opponent may have the support of groups like the Club for Growth
and the Traditional Values Coalition. He also has gobs of money from
other right-wing groups. But with the support of DFA, and its
incredible network of true patriots, I feel more confident than ever
that we will win the campaign to defeat the Republican Right-wing
extremist agenda. I am so grateful for your help in taking back our
nation and our Democracy to its roots of, for and by the people. To
volunteer please visit my website - Thank
you so much.
- Anne Wolfe
Posted by Guest Writer at 11:22 AM