Edited on Thu Aug-11-05 09:21 AM by Dream of the Flood
Like many of you, I've left my Kerry Edwards sticker on my car as a sign of protest against another stolen election. Mine was Stolen, and I believe (though I have no proof) that the same person smashed my driver's side mirror. I guess the low approval ratings are really getting to some of the compassionate conservatives around here. That's alright. I fixed the mirror for a small fee and made a donation to a local Democratic party office that happened to have some extra Kerry Edwards stickers and I placed the new one with tape in my rear window. Has this happpened to anyone else? I saw one other car on my block that I suspect had their sticker stolen (it could have been simply removed by the owner, but given that this happened to mine within the last week too, I'm guessing it was removed by the same person or people). Note to FReepers who engage in this activity--a stolen sticker equals an extra donation to the Democratic party, so steal away, I'll get more.