thought I'd post it here for you folks who are constituents, to ask him what's up. (I'm from PA but thought I usually like Lauteneberg - this surprises me.)
has PNAC morphed into FDD - look who's on the teama woman named Tanya Gilly just appeared on C-Span's Washington Journal ... she was very evasive about who funded her organization ... her main pitch (i only caught the very end) seemed to be how wonderful democracy in Iraq will be ... she encouraged everyone to go to her organization's website to learn more ...
what i found was an organization that sounds like the education and propaganda arm of PNAC and a few of our very own Democrats joining in ... any group that "wraps itself in democracy" to hide the truth about using democracy as a smokescreen for American imperialism bears watching ...
Board of Directors
Steve Forbes, Jack Kemp, Jeane Kirkpatrick
Distinguished Advisors
Newt Gingrich, James Woolsey
Advisors (some names omitted)
Gary Bauer, Donna Brazile, Frank Gafney, JD Hayworth, Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, Frank Lautenberg, Zell Miller, Richard Perle, Charles Schumer
FDD's website is: