The consultants probably ran focus groups and found that voters are mad about taxes. So call the other guy a taxer (or even worse, a liberal taxer) and that'll get you votes. Just say you'll cut taxes. That's what the voters want.
Sad thing is, I afraid many may base their vote on this tax nonsense.
I call it tax nonsense for the simple reason that as much as people hate taxes, they refuse to give up services or accept change. There's a NIMBY process here, cut the wasteful spending (nothing that impacts me), or that welfare spending (certainly won't impact me), etc.
How about looking at the incredible waste of money incurred by NJ's home rule fanaticism. One small example, our local regional high school district (two schools) has a superintendent, two principles, four vice principles and a host of other bureaucrats.
How about the millions of dollars in fire equipment that each town must have even though there might be plenty of equipment down the road in the next town?
The advertising we're being subjected to is painful. October is going to be a long month if you watch local TV.