if Corzine wins next Tuesday (and likely he will do so next Tuesday) Dick Codey will go back to being President of the State Senate. But what about Corzine's Senate seat? We need to keep it in 2006, and Tom Kean Jr. is a good candidate for the Republicans. He is beating every potential Democratic candidate, except for Codey. I live in New York, but I get the feeling by watching the news and reading the papers that he's respected, sort of like a Gerald Ford figure but without the Nixon pardon. It's a shame that he didn't get to run against Corzine in the primary, but I can understand that if he were to run the state bosses would have exacted concessions out of him in exchange for their financial backing. That's why I wanted Corzine because he was "above the fray" in that sense. However, my only concern about Corzine appointing Codey would be the Republicans would say it is some kind of "gentlemen's agreement" where Codey sits out of the Governor's Election, and if Corzine wins he will give Codey his seat. I'm wondering if New Jersey voters will support a "Senator Codey" by appointment, or would they see it as corruption?