For Immediate Release
January 23, 2006
Contact (201) 857-2819
Politics in Washington is broken. It’s too divisive. It’s too partisan.
And it’s too disconnected from the real issues that affect real people.
We need a new generation of leaders willing and able to do the right thing.
-- Paul Aronsohn
Ridgewood – Former Clinton Administration official Paul Aronsohn officially announced today his candidacy for the congressional seat in New Jersey’s fifth district.
“I am running for Congress for one simple reason: I love my country, and I refuse to stand by while people like Scott Garrett lead us dangerously in the wrong direction,” Aronsohn proclaimed. ‘I refuse to stand by while they undermine our national security, neglect our economic security, and pay lip service to our health security.”
“We deserve better, and it’s time for all people of goodwill – Republican and Democrat alike – to say ‘enough is enough’”.
Aronsohn, who has spent most of his professional career working on national security and healthcare issues, had set up an “exploratory campaign” last spring to speak with community leaders and to gauge the viability of his potential candidacy. The current incumbent is Representative E. Scott Garrett, who is in his second term of office.
“Despite his title, Representative Garrett doesn’t represent us. He doesn’t represent our mainstream values. And he doesn’t represent the majority of us who reject the divisive, extreme brand of politics that he practices.”
“As a pro-business, pro-defense moderate Democrat, I firmly believe that I can better serve and better represent the mainstream values of our community.”
“Our campaign will offer a more compassionate, more common-sense approach to politics – one that is people-focused and results-oriented. It will be a campaign rooted in the American tradition of public service, motivated by the American promise of a bright, prosperous future, and guided by mainstream American values of responsibility, opportunity, and community.”
“Our campaign will be forward looking and premised on the notion that public service should be about serving the tax-paying public. It should be about making a positive difference in people’s lives. And it should be about addressing real issues that affect real people.”
“Simply stated, our campaign is premised on the belief that we deserve a government that is more responsive to our needs and government officials who are more responsible for their actions.”
Aronsohn re-released the list of “advisory committee” members – people and organizations that had already lent their names, support, and expertise to the exploratory effort and will continue to advise the official campaign. There are several new additions to the list, including the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, and the New Democrat Network (NDN).
The campaign’s website – -- has been revised and now includes several new features, such as a blog, a volunteer sign-up area, and a photo gallery.