National Dems again targeting GOP Reps. Ferguson, Garrett in '06By DONNA DE LA CRUZ
Associated Press Writer
April 2, 2006, 10:00 AM EDT
WASHINGTON -- In the political coloring book, New Jersey's color is blue, as in Democratic blue.
So it's no surprise that national Democrats have again focused in on two of New Jersey's Republican congressmen as targets in this year's elections, calling both way too conservative for the Garden State.
Rep. Scott Garrett is opposed to abortion and gun control. Rep. Mike Ferguson is for school prayer and said he would support a constitutional amendment banning abortion.
Both congressmen were targeted in the 2004 elections, but both were re-elected easily. Garrett was first elected to Congress in 2002, Ferguson in 2000.
Democrats say this year, their strategy will work because of President Bush's dismal disapproval ratings, which they hope will spill over into congressional races this year. Other issues that could work in favor of Democrats include outrage over the continuing conflict in Iraq, the government's poor planning for Hurricane Katrina, the confusion over the new Medicare Part D plan that has angered many senior citizens and corruption among Republicans in Washington.
More:,0,1320071.story?coll=ny-region-apnewjersey "Dismal disapproval ratings"? Does that mean he's got delightful approval ratings?