I would have preferred both of my Senators to have essentially given Kerry's 5 minute condemnation of the bill. He was sharp as anything in his support of Menendez and speaking of Democratic values. He really is incredible, which made the vote more mystifying.
Kennedy's amendment which specically eliminated certain practices was defeated - which to me implies that some of these may be allowed. (a Kerry amendment that Reid didn't allow would have required that Congress get a report on techniques used - that this was not in the original bill means there is also no oversight.) Allowing torture should be suficient reason to reject it.
That removing Habeus Corpus is likely unconstitutional seems to be a reason to vote against it not for it.
I asked about whether his web site would put up the response and he said it would and then spoke of the how they were in session until late at night on the port security bill. It would likely be better to wait until that is done - as I wrote that about 2 hrs or so after hearing it, from memory - and as I said, I could have missed something. My husband thought he may have voted that way to give Menendez cover - but on a bill with the moral issues of this one, I still am in shock that 65 of our 100 Senators could vote for it.
Although Kerry's full written speech made a great case against the bill, the fact that he was given only 5 minutes led to a very very powerful speech on the floor. I really have a hard time accepting that 12 Democrats and almost all Republicans could ignore the issues he raised. I also regret not contacting my Senators, because I trusted they would vote against it.
(Here's a youtube link to Kerry's speech)