I know you can't shill for a candidate within a certain distance from the polls, but is there a ban on ALL canvassing, including non-partisan materials?
I'd like to post a few volunteers with a taste for martyrdom outside some local polling places with the cards the LWV and ACLU have printed for NJ, with the hotline to report election fraud or voter suppression. What, specifically, do the laws have to say about that? Do they only ban "electioneering," or would informational handouts be illegal as well?
Obviously, my intent is to UPHOLD the law by not letting the Republicans keep people from voting, and I don't want to BREAK one law to uphold another.
If I have to, at least one district's polling place is perfectly situated; it's in a brand-new firehouse, and the driveway leading to the polling place is just slightly (by about 3 feet) longer than the minimum distance required, so I'll just post someone at the entrance to the driveway with a sign so everyone who pulls in has to see it, no avoiding.