Pro-Dennis Shulman group has fun with attack on Scott Garrett
by Precious Petty
Wednesday August 20, 2008, 12:16 AM
Wearing cowboy hats, cowboy boots and jeans, a group of Dennis Shulman supporters calling themselves Oilmen for Garrett sought to highlight the Republican congressman's ties with the oil industry.
"It's a really good time for our interns and volunteers," said Aaron Ament, a Shulman campaign manager. "It sure beats sitting in the office stuffing envelopes all day."
A Democrat, Shulman hopes to unseat Scott Garrett in New Jersey's 5th District.
Garrett's campaign manager, Amanda Gasperino, said the energy crisis is a serious issue and should be treated as such.
"We're taking this a little more seriously," she said. "The energy crisis shouldn't be used as a political football. Instead of using it as a political ploy for games, you need to address the issues."
The protest came as Environment New Jersey released a report card showing Garrett voted for protecting the environment only 8 percent of the time.
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