All - I'm planning on attending this. I think that IF I get a chance to speak - I'm going to read a brief letter I intend to send to President Obama tonight. Basically saying - Ignore them. Cast aspersions on their motives, etc. etc. Explain that I was on the ground canvassing taking folks to vote in PA (although I live in NJ) on election day.
Regardless, in case you know someone in the 7th (basically Somerset county) that is a Dem or leans left, let them know that there will be at least ONE other Dem there.
Dear Friend,
I wanted to invite you to a town hall meeting on Saturday, February 6 at 11 a.m. at the Raritan Valley Community College in Branchburg.
During the meeting, I will discuss the important issues facing Congress and the American people. I will take questions on the issues like the economy, health care, federal spending and out-of-control debt and share my views.
Additionally, members of my staff will be available to assist constituents who are experiencing difficulties with a federal agency.
The event is free and open to the public but seating will be limited. For more information, please call 908-788-6900.
WHAT: Town hall meeting with Congressman Leonard Lance
WHEN: Saturday, Feb. 6, 2010 at 11am
WHERE: Raritan Valley Community College
Building 11 — Conference Center
118 Lamington Road
Branchburg, NJ 08876-3315 I hope to see you at my town hall meeting on Saturday, February 6th.
Best personal wishes,
Leonard Lance
Member of Congress