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If you don't love it... Leave it.

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Home » Discuss » Places » New Jersey Donate to DU
Glassunion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-11-10 01:22 PM
Original message
If you don't love it... Leave it.
Those words rang true for me a couple of years ago. I used to live in New Jersey, and I did not love it. So I left it. Political corruption, insane taxes, government shutdowns and bullshit laws are the proverbial tip of the iceberg. I’m far from wealthy; however I’m definitely not poor. But I found it was financially beneficial to abandon my home and leave the state. So I slapped a “For Sale” sign on the front door and left.

Seriously, how messed up does a state have to get, where one can just abandon what they call home and leave? I called NJ home for over half my life. I was born there, and I honestly thought that I would die there. I moved next door to Pennsylvania, found a nice apartment. Instantly, my income taxes and auto insurance dropped exponentially. I moved from a poor area of NJ to one of the wealthiest in PA, and spent not a dime more. In fact I was saving money.

I was able to sell the house two months after leaving, well below market value. I did not care. The federal government did not charge me tax on the sale of the home because of my income level and the amount of the sale did not justify a tax. Now New Jersey on the other hand did tax the sale. It is called an exit tax or something similar. All NJ taxes added up on the sale worked out to about 10% of what I made on the house. Pisses me off, however it was money well spent.

I owned the home for 10 years. When I purchased it my property taxes were 1,890 a year. Not bad, especially for New Jersey. But I did live in a depressed area (ranked 634 out of 702 on per capita incomes). In the 10 years that I had owned the home, my property taxes alone had crept up to 3,980 a year. If I had owned the home for one more year, the taxes would have been up to 4,230. How can you justify charging over 4 thousand dollars in taxes in an area where the per capita income is at 18 thousand? I sure as hell can’t.

Not only is it taxes, it is the things that you need to get along in New Jersey. For me, no car is the equivalent to no job. NJ does not offer an affordable place to live where one could take public transportation to their job. It is almost non-existent once you get out of the heavily populated areas. Here is a good kicker. I’m well over 25, I’m married, no tickets, no accidents. I drove a car that was worth $2,500. My auto insurance premium was $2,400 a year for just me. This does not include my wife’s half of the policy. After D.C., New Jersey has the most expensive auto insurance rates in the nation.

I currently live in a home that is valued 4 times higher than the home I had in NJ. My taxes are 2,100 a year. My half of the auto insurance premiums is 750 a year, same coverage. All I had to do was move across a river that I lived less than a mile from.

I hate to say it. I thought that I would always be a Jersey-Boy at heart, no matter where life takes me. However, I now view my time there as if I had lived with an abusive step-parent and am now finally free and want nothing to do with where I came from. I pray for the state, I hope to someday return. But a lot will need to change and change for the better.
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njlib Donating Member (754 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-11-10 03:04 PM
Response to Original message
1. I do love it
and can't bring myself to leave, although if I did, I think I would also choose PA. I've been in Sussex County just over 9 years and my taxes have typically gone up about $120/year. Revaluations were done in 2008 that doubled the "value" of my property, but they reduced the tax rate so the increase from that was about $220. My taxes are now $4200/year on a 34x24, two bedroom, 1 bath house on a 100'x155' lot. I actually had a job back then and the company doing the appraisals came around twice while I was at work and NEVER returned my calls or e-mails requesting an appointment. Now, I haven't done any renovations inside or out. My front steps are falling apart, my retaining wall is starting to buckle a bit, my kitchen & bathroom are literally falling apart, my basement needs waterproofing...and the sad thing is that even if they did come inside to evaluate, I'm sure they still would've increased the value.

I'm waiting to get authorization from the state nursing board to take my licensing exam for LPN, which has been another money-sucking venture. $200 to the nursing board, $200 to the company that administers the test, $70.25 to get fingerprinted by the company that's contracted with the state to do the criminal background check and once I take the test, if I want to know pass/fail in 48 hours, that will be another $10, otherwise they'll mail me the results one month from the test date! I can't wait that long because I need to find a job. I've been trying to call the unemployment office all day long and can't get through. My last stub said I still had $4000 on my claim, but yesterday's filing said I'm getting one more week of benefits and then that's it! I've got nothing left in the bank, so time is of the essence in getting my license and finding a job.

Gov. Girdle's performance is going to decide if/when I do leave. My son is 19 and will be out of college in a year or so, I have no family, so there isn't anything keeping me here. Once I'm licensed and have some experience under my belt, it will be easier to leave. I just hope I won't have to because I really am a Jersey girl!!
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Glassunion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-11-10 03:22 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. God bless you...
I personally don't think New Jersey's woes are from Republicans or Democrats, but they are from politicians in general.

Corruption does not draw a party line. Repubs take money from big business and Dems take money from the union bosses.

I personally think the state needs to just clean house, from the state level all the way down to local municipalities. There are too many friends of friends drawing money with a free hand from the state coffers.

However, I still love my Jets and Devils. I will NEVER root for a Philly team.
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njlib Donating Member (754 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-11-10 05:32 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. LOL, definitely with you on not ever rooting for a Philly team!
Yes, I think, just as with the federal government, corruption is the problem on both sides. I remember when Menendez was on the ballot and rumor had it that his opponent was a former mental patient. I had had enough with career politicians back then and voted for the mental patient! I'd like to see all houses cleaned on the federal and state level. I think at this point, it's the only way to save us.

What really makes me nervous about Christie is that he'll pull a Jindal or Sanford and not want to take money from the federal government. He's already started slashing vital programs and it's only going to get worse. I still can't believe he won. I know people grumble no matter who's in charge and I thought there would still be enough disgust with Bush and repukes in general for Corzine to win. I pleaded with everyone I know to vote for Corzine and most people said they just couldn't be bothered because it wasn't a presidential election! So, now we're stuck. The thought of having to deal with him for the next few years just makes me sick!

Oh, and if I decide to leave it will be either PA or Lake George, NY!
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Glassunion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-12-10 12:18 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Good luck
As far as Republicans go, Christie is not too bad. He does seem to swing left on a lot of issues. If you look at his stances on abortion, education, clean energy, guns and immigration he would seem to follow the blue line. The rest however leaves something to be desired.

I do however agree with him on the state’s department of environmental protection needing to be cut back on. That department has become an overreaching corrupt monster. They do very little to protect the environment, and I do feel that they have far too strong of an arm with far too much power. I work for a company that deals with them on a continual basis.

We exceed the “Moral Minimum” when we make decisions on how we design and build throughout the state. We spent millions on R&D on how we can protect the environment, and make use of alternative energy. We set a goal for ourselves to be LEET certified within the next 8 years. We want to make use of solar and wind at our locations; however they are stalemating us every time we turn around. Let’s say you want to put a solar panel system on the roof of just one of your buildings. How long should it take? It took us 3 years to get through their approval and permitting process. We spent quite a lot of money just to get through the applications, tests, permits and inspections. This did not include town approvals, permits, tests and inspections. We had to have soil samples taken to put solar panels on the roof to test for contaminates. This building was built in 1979. The property was a dairy farm dating back to 1700’s and was abandoned back in the 1930’s. They were looking for spilled petroleum products.  It took 3 months and over 10 thousand dollars to find out that there was no spilled fuel. It got to the point where we had to have our attorney do all of the communications.

Don’t even get me started on our fuel storage…

As far as taking money from the federal government, I have issues with federal funding to begin with. My problem is that the Fed holds money over the state like dangling a carrot in front of a horse. They use that money to bend a state to the will of the Fed, which is very seldom in the state’s best interest. The money already belongs to the states, how the Fed seems to use it as a soft form of bribery sickens me. I get why some Govs want to lean away from accepting the money, it might not always be smart to do so, but the state will pay for it one way or another.

One thing he has going for him is that he has fought corruption most of his carrier and seems to not tolerate it on any level. However, he is now in a position to be corrupted just like those he used to prosecute. Time will tell.

Once again, I wish you nothing but luck with the LPN. I am praying for you.
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njlib Donating Member (754 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-12-10 08:53 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. Thank you for the good wishes!
I'm gonna need 'em!!

I thought Christie had his own ethical problems? When I was trying to persuade my then co-workers to vote for Kerry in '04, I told them that the financial shit was going to roll downhill from the federal government to the states and here we are. I think no matter who's in charge, it's never going to get's very depressing.

Thanks again for the LPN support!! Now, I'm going to watch the Olympic opening ceremony and have a good cry. I always get teary-eyed watching all the athletes parading into the stadium, everyone so proud and happy to be representing their country. After the events of today, it's going to be so sad to see the Georgian delegation...I'll be bawling like a baby before it's all over and done with.
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njlib Donating Member (754 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-12-10 09:31 PM
Response to Reply #4
7. Hey...
are you responsible for my Valentine heart??? If so, THANK YOU!!

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Glassunion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-13-10 12:11 AM
Response to Reply #7
8. No I am afraid not... But that 2nd one was... Good luck again!
Edited on Sat Feb-13-10 12:19 AM by Glassunion
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njlib Donating Member (754 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-13-10 01:04 AM
Response to Reply #8
9. I've got two now???
Great googly moogly!!!! Hopefully by this time next year, I'll be getting a paycheck and will be able to hand some out myself. I won't forget this....

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blueworld Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-12-10 01:41 PM
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5. Well, I also left & I'm very glad
I'm a geezer so I spent many more years there than you. I still have family & friends there, but for all the reasons you listed & a few of my own I had to leave. We simply could not have the quality of life there that we believed in.

There's still so much I miss, but I'm peaceful about my decision & I love my new home (it ain't PA though). Best wishes to you.

Ultimately, I think NJ's problems will drive many more folks out if they can afford to move.
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madmax Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-14-10 01:18 AM
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10. Good Luck to you and your family
I was a life long Jersey Girl. Loved growing up there and have wonderful memories of weekends at the the shore with my friends.

Saw Bruce Springsteen and South Side Johnny at the Stone Pony back in the day before Bruce became 'The Boss'.

Two years ago my husband lost his job, the housing market was going south. We decided to try a milder climate and he had a connection for a job here in Raleigh, NC - an area know as 'The Triangle', because of the 'Research Triangle Park. We chose a small town called Apex and love it.

There is Duke, UNC, NCSU and various other colleges. The air is cleaner, the people friendlier, low taxes, low car insurance, nice affordable homes and this area seems to be building with the environment in mind. People in NJ have never met a tree they didn't want to cut down, at least that's the way it was going for us in our town.

I have never been happier in my life. I'm 60 and hopefully have a few good years left and I want to enjoy them and each day here it just gets better. Should have made the move 20 years ago but, whatever. We're here now.

My son arrived last night. He wants to look around, check out the housing market and just the general area to see if this is where he'd like to relocate. He is planning to leave NJ this summer. He's had enough. His property taxes are 6k, car insurance sky high (no accidents or tickets). Fuel oil to heat the house is expensive, snow, etc., etc. He can't believe what our taxes and utilities run us here. I showed him the bills ;)

I hope it works out for them to get out now. My grandson is 14 - I'd love to see him here because in my heart I believe life here is better and he'll have more opportunities than now available in NJ.

Sorry to ramble on - this was your story and your OP. Just thought I'd let you know that the old joke, 'Last one to leave NJ please turn off the lights', seems possible. :evilgrin:

Best of luck to you and your family. I know how you feel some nostalgia and a lot of relief.

:toast: To better days.
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Glassunion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-15-10 10:41 PM
Response to Reply #10
11. Thanks...
Well, at least I still work in the state. So every morning I get my pork roll, egg n cheese. It is funny how once you hit the NJ border, you can no longer find Taylor Ham.

Good luck!
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bookman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-14-10 11:20 AM
Response to Reply #11
13. Taylor Ham

I thought my move to Texas would create a loss of access to it.

But....They have it in the Supermarkets!
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Glassunion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-16-10 12:02 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. Sweet!
I love the stuff.
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Number9Dream Donating Member (574 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-17-10 02:10 PM
Response to Reply #10
12. Thanks for the input from NC
Thanks for the input from NC. We vacationed in Kill Devil Hills two years ago, and found NC very friendly.

Thirty-five years ago, the Lehigh Valley, PA was a nice place to live. Ten minutes outside of Bethlehem was rolling farmland. Now, thanks in part to two influxes from New Jersey & New York, housing developments and warehouses are covering our once nice valley with macadam. The newcomers have driven up the prices of everything for the long time residents. School taxes rocket higher and higher to pay for Taj Mahal schools and shady bond swaps by the school districts. If I can ever afford to retire, I'll be leaving PA, perhaps for NC, SC, GA, who knows (and probably annoying the residents of wherever I settle).
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TwistedSister Donating Member (12 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-26-10 01:28 PM
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15. Leaving New Jersey - Where to Go??
I am forty-something and have lived in NJ (Bergen Cty by the GWB) all my life and raised my children here. Unfortunately, I think it's time to bail out of here. My oldest two sons just moved to California a week ago (outside of but not far from the LA area). They just couldn't stand it here anymore - layoffs, high rent and high everything else. There were no jobs and they looked and looked. There were also some racism issues like you would not believe. For what I am paying for a one-bedroom walk-up that's not in great condition with no parking and no laundry facility, they got a three-bedrom with a friend, two-full-bath, newish apartment in a gated community with a pool, tennis court, jacuzzi, laundry room, etc. My youngest is moving out there to California this summer after high school is done. I wish the best for them of course, but we'll see. I have no reason to stay in New Jersey anymore, but have no desire to move to California. Can't deal with the cost of living, the traffic, etc., no jobs. I am college educated and work full-time, but my salary is a mere pittance compared to the cost of living here. My utility bill is off the chain. I swear it's doubled in the last few years. I owned a house here and sold it to avoid an exploding mortgage right before the crash to avoid the crumbling real estate market here and I know I did the right thing. I broke even pretty much, but had I not sold it when I did I would have totally been screwed. Okay, kids are grown, divorced and free to roam about the earth freely. Where to go, where to go? California? Florida? New Mexico? North Carolina? Florida. Any ideas? Never thought I'd leave here, but it's time to blow this joint!
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Glassunion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-10 06:08 PM
Response to Reply #15
16. How about PA?
When I left I did not want to change jobs, so I moved over to PA.

Plus I am still close enough to get my Manhattan fix every so often.

I can not speak for the prices in Bergen City, but for what my friend was paying for a single unit in Cliffside Park, he bought just short of a castle in the Poconos.

There are a lot of great little cities and towns in western PA full of culture, food, etc... that make it well worth while to live here.
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JustAnotherGen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-22-10 08:54 AM
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17. I’ve only been here four years
I moved down from Rochester NY for a job in early 2006. I’ve been in telecom for a long time, and there were simply no jobs at ALL in the place I lived for 30 years.

I like NJ by and large, but the reality is – I don’t WANT to own a home here. The property taxes, the cost of utilities, the constant commute to and from here and there. I’m done. I’m actually looking at going over the border into New Hope – just waiting until the end of the year to see what happens to the housing market. Yep - increases the time to get to the beach in the summer - but I'll sacrifice a longer train ride down to Deal when the other 9 months of the year life is a little bit easier.
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Glassunion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-26-10 05:53 AM
Response to Reply #17
18. New Hope is the best.
I drive through it every morning. Drop me a PM if you need a real estate agent in the area. Ours was great.
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